
性病、HIV大哉問 (交流版面)


2015年8月27日 星期四

HIV & AIDS Conference

Call for late breaker abstracts for the 
World STI & HIV Congress 2015 (ISSTDR/IUSTI)
13 - 16 September 2015, Brisbane, Australia
Late Breaker Abstracts open: 1 June 2015
Late Breaker Abstracts close: 17 July 2015 (at midnight GMT)
The Congress organisers are interested in attracting the latest and strongest scientific finding in STI and HIV research. You are invited to submit late breaker abstracts reporting your research in the format specified in the Late Breaker Abstract Submission Guidelines.
Selection Criteria
  • Late breaker abstracts must present original data of the highest methodological standard. For example, for a clinical or epidemiology presentation, the main results of a randomised controlled trial or a large observational study would be eligible for consideration;
  • The topic of the research should be of the strongest interest to the Congress delegates;
  • The body of the abstract must clearly indicate that data collection for the research was still underway in 2015, or late 2014 if a complex analysis was required. Abstracts that do not explicitly meet this requirement will not be sent for review
Please follow the abstract guidelines. Please ensure that the presenting author is clearly indicated on the abstract submission.
Note: Abstract presenters will be required to fund their own attendance at the conference and should not submit an abstract if this is not possible. No scholarships are available for late breaker presentations.

      Abstract Submission Guidelines and Abstract Template
      Please view the Late Breaker Abstract Submission Guidelines and the Abstract Template before submitting your abstract for review.
      Abstract Submission

      Please submit your abstract in word format to the Conference Organiser via email: catherine.pooley@ashm.org.au or phone 02 8204 0770 with any further questions.

      議程下載:Joint World STI & HIV Congress and Australasian HIV & AIDS Conference Program 2015

      原文網站:2015 World STI & HIV Congress and Australasian HIV&AIDS Conference


